We offer Webinars frequently. See our upcoming schedule at https://intelligentdynamics.com/upcoming-webinars/.
On-Site (Customized or Standard)
On-Site training is our most popular training service. Sessions are held on-site at your facility, or can be moved off-site for increased separation from your busy work environment if you choose. A minimum of six attendees are required. Sessions involving more than about 20 people make it difficult for attendees to receive individualized attention when it’s necessary.
Customization is available, and is popular because it can include real-world examples from your business, allowing trainees to use their existing technical projects and issues to feed their training experience. Most return to work with immediate solutions to current technical challenges in hand and ready-to-implement.
Public Offerings
Public training mirrors our customized offerings, but features standardized industry examples, primarily to keep your proprietary intellectual property from being discussed, and therefore disclosed, to any potential competitor who may be attending the same session. Questions specific to your proprietary situation can be handled, and are welcomed, but we will only do so outside the public classroom setting.